Thursday, June 4, 2009

Post 4 Industrial Revolution WebQuest in World History Honors

Industrial Revolution WebQuest:Was Life Better as a Result
Part One: Some of you will be a tycoon or entrepreneur while others of you will be a muckraker
1. What part did you play in the Industrial Revolution?
The Gilded Age as Industrial Revolution in America The Gilded Age – Industrial revolution in America. As the United States economy transformed itself and grew under the leadership of new voices

2. What business practices did you use?
Industries and offer almost limitless business opportunities for existing firms and aspiring entrepreneurs. Plus, was launched during Great Depression to insure depositors saving, also monitors banks’ business practices.

3. What changes did you bring about?
The Industrial Revolution marked changing point in human society. It passed through two big and lasting change in history. For example, People move from the countryside to other towns. Plus, it turns into labor from punishment between owners, employers and managers from other side.

4. What were the positive effects of what you did?
The positive effect could be the nations changed with big impact of economic life. Also, economic base for the rise of profession and big chance for living standards and remains a primary goal.

5. Who benefitted from your work?
The Pioneers must of benefited Tycoons own business at the time. Because inventors and business as tycoons are rival with the Britain. For Example importing ideas, techniques and machinery and raise own money.

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