Thursday, June 4, 2009

Post 11 World History Honors World War 2 Webquest

Alton Williams
Block 1
World History Honors

World War II Webquest
1. List 3 causes of World War II.
1. On September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland without warning it start of World War II.
2. Started out as a war based on Military Technical Tactics and Blitzkriegs later became a war reliant on industry and mass production.
3. World War II involved every major world power in a war for global domination and its end more than 60 million people had lost their lives and most of Europe and Asia.
2. Why were the political conditions in Europe in 1940? What countries were at war?
German attempts to win over important groups in occupied countries and creation of the first resistance units and events such as the German invasion of Russia. The Countries in war was Britain, France and Germany that it.

3. Why did the United States become involved in the war? Date the U.S entered the war?
One reason is going to war against the Germany, Japan and Italy. Plus, Lend Lease act was passed stating Roosevelt could direct aid. U.S enters the war in December 8, 1941 and battle on Pearl Harbor. Germany who had signed a pact with Japan.

4. Who were the three main AXIS powers? Who were the main ALLIES?
Germany, Italy, and Japan part of a military alliance on the signing of the Tripartite Pact.
The Three main Allies are Great Britain, Russia and America.

5. What was the Maginot line?
The Maginot Line dominated French military thinking in the inter-war years. The Maginot Line was a vast fortification the along the French and German border.

6. Who were the Big (Three leaders) who set overall Allied strategy?
The Biggest Leader is Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. Their Allied strategy came from allied naval commander Chester Nimitz set up trap for the Japanese forces.

7. What a D-Day?
Known as Normandy Landing and Operation Neptune, in planning, D-Day a term used for the day of actual landing. It was dependent on final approval and has two phases. For example an air assault landing of American, British and Canadian airborne troops. Addition D-Day is events which occurred to constitute the most well known battle of World War II.

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